Its no secret the NBN rollout has been a complete disaster.
Despite Malcolm Turnbulls commitment to have the NBN rolled out by 2016, NBN Co. continue to announce faster than expected roll outs of the network beginning in parts of Gosnells, Huntingdale and Southern River yet this is little more than a PR strategy.
These announcements are thinly veiled distractions from constant delays and interruptions to businesses and residents being connected to the network.
Residents in Gosnells and Huntingdale have been hearing for the past five years their NBN is only 18 months away, now theyve been told they will have to wait until 2020 for their roll out.
While parts of Gosnells and Thornlie are shown on the NBN Rollout Map as network build having commenced, other parts will be waiting until mid-2020. In some cases, people living on the same street will have around 2 years difference in when they get access to the NBN.
The entire roll out is a farce and the implementation of the service, illogical.
Labor has announced an NBN Service Guarantee, which will set wholesale service standards for fault rectification timeframes, installations and missed appointments.
These standards will be enforced through financial penalties if NBN Co fails to meet its service standards, which will result in savings passed on to the consumer.
Labor will also establish stronger penalties to safeguard small business, because we understand the stress and financial harm which can be caused when internet or phone services are not working.
Only Labor will build a better NBN, only Labor will build a better Burt.