Keogh Strengthens Starick

26 March 2019



Today I was proud to present Starick services with a $5,100 grant to improve the facilities at their refuge in my electorate.

Starick do wonders for supporting women and children fleeing domestic violence and Im proud to have worked with them on numerous projects over the years.

Women entering refuges often have to stay for many weeks as they get their lives back together.

Half of women accessing Starick are Aboriginal reflecting the disproportionate impact of domestic violence on Aboriginal families.

This grant enables the building of a sitting circle, monument and outdoor story telling area that reflects the Noongar six seasons and sense of place for the refuge, women and children who access the service will have a more pleasant welcome into the refuge, after what is often a very traumatic time.

The new area will provide a focus for cultural activities including storytelling, healing workshops, NAIDOC and school holiday programs for those staying at the refuge from all cultural backgrounds.

The Burt Stronger Communities Program provides grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 for small capital projects that improve community participation and contribute to the vibrancy and viability of our community.

Community groups interested in a grant in the future should contact my office.